sábado, 9 de noviembre de 2013

mi gata Fierita

6 comentarios:

  1. I came over from the link on Somewhere to Sketch. I am glad you are joining us there. You have a lot of nice sketches and some lovely watercolors!

  2. oh thank you Joan!!! yours its the first comment I get, I really appreciate it!

  3. I love your kitty. Beautifully done with the greys and whites! I too met you first at Somewhere To Sketch. So glad you are there with us. Your art is fun and oh so well done. May I ask which country you are in?

  4. Lynn thank you!!! I live in Argentina, in a very little town by the hills, a very nice place to sketch! Im very glad to be in Somewhere to sketch, is a terrific idea to travel that way! are you in usa?

  5. Your blog inspires me to draw the simple things that surround me. This may be something I will try as I spend a little less time online. :)

  6. Lisa, I love to draw every day things! its amazing how you can bring them to life! thanks so much for your words!
